About The Grayson Highlands Fall Festival
The 2025 Festival will be held the Saturday September 27 and Sunday September 28 from 10am until 5pm both days.
Since 1976 the Rugby Volunteer Rescue Squad and Fire Department, Inc. and Grayson Highlands State Park have entertained tens of thousands of people each year with their live exhibits of Appalachian culture. Step back into a simple age when horses and mules ground cane into juice to be boiled into sorghum or molasses; when apple cider was the soft drink of the time; when fresh apples were cooked in a copper kettle over an open fire all day long to render apple butter; when Saturday night was reserved for fiddling; and making music with the neighbors. Such was the lifestyle of the early Appalachian pioneers.
Other Rugby Fire-Rescue Functions: · Sunrise Service - Easter Sunday · Annual Fish Fry - One Saturday in May · 4th of July festivities - July 4th · Thanksgiving Dinner Fundraiser
All Proceeds go to the Rugby Volunteer Rescue Squad and Fire Department, Inc. for emergency equipment and training.
Donations are appreciated and may be sent to:
Rugby Volunteer Rescue Squad & Fire Dept, Inc
53 Rugby Rd.
Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363
Contact Us by Mail or Phone:
Fall Festival at Grayson Highlands
P.O. Box 12
Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363
Rachel Farmer (276) 233-8237
Email: ghfallfestival@yahoo.com
Grayson Highlands State Park at:
(276) 579-7092